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Child and Family Services

Deliver strength-based care outcomes and opportunities

We collaborate with all areas of Government, human services agencies and NGO’s across Australia to deliver strength-based care outcomes and opportunities for children and young people, families and communities. Supporting Aboriginal and non-Indigenous children, young peoplefamilies and communities, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and employers by providing culturally safe advice and tailored support services to support individual and family outcomes.

Our CFS Team works collaboratively with all areas of Government, human service agencies and NGO’s across Australia to deliver strength-based care outcomes and opportunities for children and young people, families and communities. Child protection and out-of-home care solutions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are individual for each child within each family. An Aboriginal Consultant from our experienced and highly qualified team will be matched to your specific requirements. We focus on the needs of children and families to build relationships centred on respect and self-determination. At the heart of our work is maintaining the intricate relationships between the physical, cultural and spiritual areas of child and family wellbeing. Professional services are offer in:

  • Kinship and Foster Care Assessments
  • Annual and Five-Year Reviews
  • Guardianship Assessments (for Aboriginal children placed with family)
  • Parenting Capacity Assessments (with clinical quality oversight)
  • Restoration Assessments (with clinical quality oversight)
  • Family Connection and Networks
  • Family Group Conference Facilitation
  • Aboriginal Family History Research (supporting Aboriginal Cultural Support Planning)
  • Aboriginal Cultural Support Plans (development and review)


Delivering tailored solutions


What our clients say